Posted by: karenparmer | October 16, 2008

It’s time to vote!!!

Why would anyone want to be president???

Why would anyone want to be president???

Dan and I are voting “early” this year.  I have heard its a fairly long wait to even do that but its sure to beat Election Day 2008!   And maybe we can get lucky, if we vote early.  Maybe there will be a mistake and we can vote again!!   Or, another idea, maybe our deceased grandparents can vote this year…..WHOA, getting too political for me!!!!  I can almost hear an acorn drop!

(This picture was made Election Night 2004.  Can you believe George came by OUR house????)


  1. I don’t even want to know where you got ole’ George but I like it. I love your new blog.

  2. SOOO glad you are blogging! Too fun!

  3. This comment has absolutely nothing to do with voting although I would like to go vote early too! Feel free to add me on to your blogroll. The link is
    Also I’m so proud you started a blog. We have finally updated ours so I kept my end of the deal. Take a look.

  4. SO excited to see your blog! Now if I can only keep mine up and going… Yikes!

    We look forward to seeing you in LaGrange soon!

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